My Story
Stephen (Steve) Wilder has many interests invaluable to Interactive Entertainment Company (IEC), from software development to astrophysics and science-fiction. His love for coding and ability to see applications of cutting edge technology makes him ideal for the role of Interactive Technology Evangelist.
Steve started out doing UNIX administration for Ford Motor Company in 1993. He quickly realized the potential of the world wide web and joined Cambell-Ewald advertising in 1996. He started Matrix Interactive in 2000 where his company would provide consulting, web, email, and database services for over 50 companies including General Motors, ACDelco and GMGoodwrench.
In 2004 he moved to Colorado and formed WilderSolutions. His passion for technology and automation has seen Steve’s talents used all over the United States. His can-do attitude, passion to get tasks completed, and team motivational nature generate an "atmosphere of success". Many Fortune-500 companies have benefited from his creative problem-solving abilities.
In 2014, Steve met A.C. Meyer through a mutual acquaintance and the two became quick friends, sharing a lot of the same values and interests. When A.C. shared his vision for IEC, Steve saw where the ideas could benefit from his experience and knowledge base. He soon enhanced the IEC entertainment vision with his technical knowledge and skill sets and has been working on different concepts ever since.
From Product Lifecycle Management to Enterprise Resource Planning to Network Automation Engineering, Steve has a technological background as eclectic as his personal interests. He now shares the vision with A.C.